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Why NRx is Winning

Let’s look at the structure of NRx with respect to subcultural containment and entryism. When we started, the boundaries that separated us from other political thought were an outright rejection of democracy, affinity for authority, a subtle and intellectual racism, an analytic approach, and an analysis of progressivism as a heretical pseudo-religion. These boundaries insulated us from other rightist thought, which allowed us to scoop up a band of post-libertarians, Lesswrong rationalists, hipsters, Catholic trads, intelligent racists and nationalists unhappy with their mainstream brothers, patriarchists, and assorted other contrarian rightists. With that platform, and ideological compatibility with no other known group, we were able to develop a very unique approach and philosophy.

As we became cooler, so far no outside subcultures have been able to successfully enter. Some people proposed an anti-racist and anti-sexist Dark Enlightenment, which got laughed at and rejected pretty quickly. We are completely immune to SJW entryism of the usual variety, as we are utterly repellent to them and don’t take any of their usual accusations of sexism, racism, etc seriously. Our analysis of authority and values beyond the economic have protected us from dissolving into libertarianism. Our suspiciously Jewish founding analyst and general not-completely-antisemitic approach have so far turned off the more fanatically antisemitic right authoritarian racists. Our rejection of and contempt for democracy has kept us from dissolving into the neutered mainstream right. Even if some of our foundational assumptions have been wrong, their repellent nature has served to keep us intellectually sovereign, and for that they are valuable.

All the other rightist groups, republicans, anti-semitic reactionaries and nazis, and libertarians have been around forever and have accomplished, well, not much, besides making normal and reasonable people hate them. Dissolution into any of those groups would be death for NRx. By remaining separate from those groups, we have developed a fresh school of thought that is growing rapidly and actually appeals to hip young folks who would never be swayed by other stale rightists. I have all sorts of nonpolitical friends coming around to me asking me to explain this whole NRx thing, intrigued by it, and coming back from study further to the right and eager for more.

So with that in mind, let’s briefly look closer whether the cause of our political decline is solely the Jewish Frankfurt School, or mutation of mainstream Christian culture as enabled by structural issues in our civilization. I myself find the structural frame and explanation the most compelling no matter how much semitic subversion we find or do not find; it seems to me a much more robust and productive problem to focus on: if some particular organization or ethnicity are behind it, their opportunity is structural, if there is no such ethnic conspiracy, the failure is structural. Either way, the structural approach is best for NRx.

But the theory is beside the point here. Holding that “the Jews” aren’t behind everything bad has enabled us to actually look at the structural issues without writing off all alternative hypotheses as Jewish subversion and shilling. The fanatical antisemitism of the rest of the right is bundled with thought-stopping and repellent lunacy, that normal people have a hard time taking seriously, and our rejection of it has kept us sane and thinking. Further, holding the structural/ultraprotestantism position on the cause of progressivism has been a defence against dissolution into the broader useless right, because it’s so repellent to the people who would otherwise be entryists.

The thing is, the System, the ZOG Machine, the Cathedral, whatever you want to call it, can’t handle a serious right wing subculture that can refrain from raving about the Jews, Hieling Hitler, calling people “Niggers”, whining autistically about the Non Aggression Principle, or joining the mainstream controlled opposition. Our rejection of those things is a declaration of memetic sovereignty, and insurance of sanity. If the Cathedral were capable of noticing us without bursting into flames, they would want us to dissolve those boundaries and melt into those other subcultures, because then we become a known and adapted threat, and can be controlled. Because if we don’t do that, we’re a wild card, and reasonable people might get involved.

If we won’t dissolve into the other subcultures of the right, they would want us to fight with them over those boundaries, because that keeps us occupied and divided. While an occasional scuffle over boundaries is inevitable, NRx will continue to refuse to denounce our allies on the right. We laugh at our colleagues on the right, learn from their successes and mistakes, and criticize them, but they are not enemies.

The reason NRx is winning is that it has resisted dissolving into the usual cesspools that plague the right and repel interesting people. We will continue to declare intellectual sovereignty, continue to take the measured and analytic approach that appeals to serious intellectuals, continue to grow, and continue to affirm the findings that make us unique and compelling:

  • Patriarchy and families are the foundation of society.
  • The natural and unmolested course of selection and elimination must be allowed to occur in economics and society.
  • Hierarchy is the natural and right way for people to cooperate.
  • Different people are different. Equality is a lie.
  • Progressivism is an insane religion advanced by a hostile media/academic machine.
  • It’s not just “The Jews”.
  • Democracy isn’t going to fix these problems.
  • Merely denouncing those to the right creates a deadly signalling spiral, so no enemies to the right.

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